[mdlug] Processors and Thugs

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Sun Dec 9 14:28:07 EST 2007

Aaron Kulkis wrote:
>> 1.8GHz? Luxury! My main PC is still a 1.2GHz Athlon that I've had for
>> over 5 years. I keep trying to come up with reasons for why I should
>> upgrade this box that works fine and does everything I need it to do.
>> But I still can't really justify upgrading.

I have a simple rule.  I keep a computer until it no longer does what I
need to do.  The old Gateway will be with me for a while unless the
motherboard gives it up.

> even on a 500 MHz processor, KDE performs well.
> Login is a bit slow, but once it's loaded into memory,
> it's OK.

If you have the memory.  At 320 meg my 500Mhz Thinkpad is almost painful
to run using KDE on Suse 9.2.  (I tried 10.0, the machine didn't like
it.)  I really want a new one.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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