[mdlug] OT: CompUSA, R.I.P.

Dave Arbogast mdlug3 at arb.net
Sat Dec 8 23:58:38 EST 2007

Garry Stahl wrote:

>Jeff Hanson wrote:
>>The only Michigan store is in Lansing.  In Ohio there are stores in
>>Cincinnati, Fairlawn, and Dayton.
>When the one in Dearborn closed their closeout prices were still not as
>good as Microcenter everyday.
>They shall not be missed.
I also found this to be true... It reminds me of the churn in the 
building supply market - Each new company did better than the sole 
competitor before it -  HQ / Builders Square / Home Depot / Lowes ?  
When CompUSA started, there was to local Microcenter.... who will come 
along after CompUSA is gone to compete with Microcenter ?


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