[mdlug] AntiSpam Tools

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Thu Dec 6 15:14:44 EST 2007

Robert Adkins wrote:
>> I like the Russian spam solution.
> Snip
>> The Russian solution:  All of this nasty spam stopped one day 
>> within hours after someone dumped his corpse in an alley.
> 	I read about this case. It wasn't exactly altruism that won the day.
> 	The death has been linked to Russian organized crime. It appears
> that regardless of what you do, if you actually ignore those "Pay us
> protection, or else" statements from Russian Organized Crime, they will
> quite brutally, physically beat you to death.

But of course, if you don't deal with shady people,
and work only with legitimate businesses (such as
the other Russian-language spam I described), then
you really don't have to worry about dealing with
organized criminals or protection money, do you.

By the way, the "Russian Mafia" is mostly a figment
of the western journalists' imagination.  When you
have a population which for decades was taught that
anyone who makes a profit is a criminal, then any
successful businessman is reflexively branded as
mafia by most Russians who were born before 1970
or so.  Most organized crime in Russia is political,
not economic.

While there are some shake-down operations, and
apparently some kidnapping of women who are sold
into enslavement as prostitutes, the overwhelming
majority of this activity is centered in Ukraine,
not Russia.

In Russia, the closest equivalent is large bribes
for government officials.  However, this is not
as bad nor corrupt as it sounds to most Americans --
typically (and historically for centuries), Russian
bureaucrats were very poorly paid -- their government
salaries were meager (if they were even paid at all
by the Czar's government), as they were EXPECTED to
live primarily from bribes.

What I find very interesting, is that, in three
visits to Russia, people who I have heard called
"mafia" were actually going out of their way to
aid and protect tourists.

> 	Nobody, not even a spam king deserves that.


The productivity losses that all of us incur for THEIR
benefit is nothing short of slavery.  I can think of
nothing more fitting than death for those who enslave

> 	-Rob

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