[mdlug] AntiSpam Tools

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Thu Dec 6 02:15:26 EST 2007

Michael ORourke wrote:
> Sorry... I know this discussion came up yet again recently.  What are the 
> latest anti-spam tools people are successfully running on their own mail 
> domains?

I like the Russian spam solution.

I get about 20 pieces of Russian-language spam every day.
Most of it is for stuff that people are actually interested
in, such as new housing developments, restaurants and
entertainment venues around Moscow, industrial products
(I recieved several for a poly-carbonate window maker).
About 50% is for business seminars: imports/exports, a lot
of classes for accountants, and some for head accountants.
ALL of this spam includes full contact information  --
not only legitimate e-mail reply addresses to reply to,
but also telephone numbers and street addresses.
Everything you would expect from legitimate business

However, about 2 years ago, I started getting some that
is more like the typical English-language spam, for the
same sorts of dubious come-ons, and similarly lacking
any contact information -- just the usual "click here
and give us your credit card info" type of stuff.

The Russian solution:  All of this nasty spam stopped
one day within hours after someone dumped his corpse
in an alley.

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