[mdlug] AntiSpam Tools

Dave Arbogast mdlug3 at arb.net
Wed Dec 5 23:17:10 EST 2007

Hi Mike, I use Postfix with Spamassassin, but do several things up 
front. In the main.cf file I block SMTP handshakes from quite a few 
countries with:

smtpd_client_restrictions =
        check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/access,
        reject_rbl_client sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org,
        reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org,
        reject_rbl_client ae.countries.nerd.dk,
        reject_rbl_client am.countries.nerd.dk,
        reject_rbl_client ar.countries.nerd.dk,
        reject_rbl_client ao.countries.nerd.dk,
        reject_rbl_client ad.countries.nerd.dk,
and many more for countries I do not have friends / clients in. Of 
course the biggest offenders were CN, HK, KR, IT, JP, MX, and some 
former USSR countries. Notice the unknown client and spamhaus blocking. 
The good thing about this is there is little processing on my end as the 
message is never accepted. I also have some header restrictions for a 
few specific offenders and former addresses I had hosted - this too 
prevents processing at my end. I have some class B and C networks listed 
in the access list to block when they are problematic senders who pay 
enough money that their US ISP will not block them.

My domain has been out there since 1996, so there are many blasts to it 
hourly. I have the same email address now for about 6 or 7 years at my 
domain and now only get about 0 - 2 spams per day with these measures.


Michael ORourke wrote:

>Sorry... I know this discussion came up yet again recently.  What are the 
>latest anti-spam tools people are successfully running on their own mail 
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