[mdlug] Transfer Calculator

Jonathan Billings billings at negate.org
Fri Apr 27 11:59:01 EDT 2007

Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Jonathan Billings wrote:
>> While it is a very cool web app, I don't think it counts as Web 2.0,
> But who cares?
> Web 2.0 is NOT a standard, it's just a media buzz-word.

Web 2.0 is a pretty vague term, I agree.  However, Asynchronous 
Javascript and XML (AJAX) is well-defined, as is the other protocols it 
is layered on.

> Buying into the lingo of propagandizers only empowers them,
> and rarely for your benefit.

Maybe I'm not the right target audience, however, I haven't found anyone 
trying to abuse some sort of business relationship with me using the 
term Web 2.0.  I probably don't read the right trade magazines.  Its 
like the term, "The Internet Superhighway".  It's not really like a 
highway, but you keep hearing it used by people who don't know better, 
or who *should* know better.  (And it is really a series of tubes 
anyway... :)

Should you care about the technology referred to with the term "Web 
2.0"?  I think so.

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

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