[mdlug] Transfer Calculator

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Fri Apr 27 11:27:13 EDT 2007

Jonathan Billings wrote:
> Morris, Tim wrote:
>> Here's a little something I hacked together a little while ago. I
>> thought some of you might find it useful.
>> It almost qualifies for WEB 2.0 ... But not really. :)
>> http://timspage.kicks-ass.net/Misc/TransferCalculator/
>> I didn't actually write it from scratch, I used the SG Bits/Bytes
>> converter as a base. http://www.speedguide.net/conversion.php
> While it is a very cool web app, I don't think it counts as Web 2.0,

But who cares?

Web 2.0 is NOT a standard, it's just a media buzz-word.

It reminds me of two guys I once overheard debating what
they considered to be the finer points of some Dungeons
& Dragons house-rule... on the grounds of "realism".


Just as D&D is not real, likewise, there is no standard
called "Web 2.0"

Buying into the lingo of propagandizers only empowers them,
and rarely for your benefit.

> because it lacks a server component.  Typically, you see things like 
> AJAX in the browser and XML-RPC requests between server logic and 
> browser logic.

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