[mdlug] Washtenaw Linux Users Group Meeting 4/19/07

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Mon Apr 16 17:05:23 EDT 2007

                    *** Meeting Announcement ***
                             for the
                 Washtenaw Linux Users Group - WLUG

           Date/Time: Thursday April 19th at 8pm

           Location:  Washtenaw Community College
                      4800 E.Huron River Drive
                      Ann Arbor, Michigan
                      Room BE-150

              Topic:  Beginners level Linux (command line stuff)
                 By:  Mike Bernson

   Mike will cover the Linux command line interface (CLI). He will discuss
the 'bash' shell, file system, tty signals, and more.


      See [www.lugwash.org] for further information about the Washtenaw 
Linux Users Group, maps and directions, and mailing list information.

          --- Jay

"Getting rid of terrorism is like getting rid of dandruff.  It cannot
 be done completely no matter how hard you try." -- Gore Vidal
| Jay Nugent   jjn at nuge.com    (734)484-5105    (734)544-4326/Fax        |
| Nugent Telecommunications  [www.nuge.com]     (734)649-0851/Cell       |
|   Internet Consulting/Linux SysAdmin/Engineering & Design/ISP Reseller |
| ISP Monitoring [www.ispmonitor.net] ISP & Modem Performance Monitoring |
| Web-Pegasus    [www.webpegasus.com] Web Hosting/DNS Hosting/Shell Accts|
| LinuxNIC, Inc. [www.linuxnic.net]   Registrar of the .linux TLD        |
  5:01pm  up 36 days, 12:47,  2 users,  load average: 0.58, 0.21, 0.15

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