[mdlug] amd64 losing ticks, driver hogging interupts?

Dean Durant mdlug at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 13 14:14:05 EDT 2007

Hello, I am running a 2.6.9 SMP kernel on a 2 CPU box,
and I have tried a kernel as well.   In both
cases, passing noapic to the kernel, seems to help but
doesn't eliminate the problem.  On the net, people all
over the place, all different distros have seen this
and it seems to have to do with apic, IRQs, power
management,  maybe some other things, but tweaking all
of those things doesn't seem to help.   Here are the
messages I get:

Losing some ticks... checking if CPU frequency
warning: many lost ticks.
Your time source seems to be instable or some driver
is hogging interupts

Has anyone else seen this, and what was your solution?

Under heavy load, heavy disk usage, the system locks
up.   Then it has to be rebooted.    

Thanks, Dean

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