[mdlug] FWD: MDUG meeting 4-14

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Mon Apr 9 13:46:24 EDT 2007

Do we have an agenda for the meeting this Saturday?  If not I'll offer
my "Distro Demo" machine.  I have 120 gig of space,  I figure 12
partitions.  If this can't be done someone tell me.

Partion 1 swap.
Partitions 2-12 distros
Partition 12, user home, shared by all distros.

Are their any problems here I don't know about?

I want, Unbuntu and Suse.  Beyond that I have a butt load of various
Liunxes and someone will doubtless have some I do not.

I seriously doubt we can finish the thing but we can get a good start. 
It is an IBM netvista 1.8 intel with 256 meg ram.  It has CD and DVD
drives.  No burners.  There is room for one hard drive, and a pitiful
power supply.

And I am still looking for a Win 2000 or an XP disk.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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