[mdlug] New free Hispeed from Google

Duane Brown dobwan at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 1 21:10:24 EDT 2007

>>> You realize that today is April fools day right?
>>>> Check it ou Google is offering Free High Speed access.
>>>> http://www.google.com/tisp/press.html
>> In related news, Microsoft has announced the release of
>> MS Office 2007 for Linux and the purchase of Canonical/Ubuntu!
> Finally, my fiendish, devilishly simple plan for world domination takes
> shape!!!!
> Peter Bart <peter at petertheplumber.net>
> http://petertheplumber.net
I assume you are referring to the professional installation option, 
right? I ordered mine when should I expect you?


PS I'd just done a google search and saw this. I thought it was such a 
clever joke I forwarded it to family and friends. Then I realized some 
of them would think this was a real product, specifically one of my 

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