[mdlug] Web page loads only the first time through a

R Kannan (RKANNAN) rkannan at ford.com
Tue Dec 5 14:46:48 EST 2006


A collegue of mine is having a problem with his router which sounds 
strange. When he connects the router (Belkin wireless/wired) to his 
(AT&T) DSL modem, he can load the first URL that he type on his browser 
but cannot access any subsequent URLs. This started happening when he 
switched his DSL service (and modem) from MCI to AT&T.

If PC is directly connected to the modem (bypassing the router) 
everthing works fine.

Any ideas what could be happening here?


R. Kannan                                      EMAIL:rkannan_at_ford_dot_com 
Ph: (313)-248-8516                            SNAIL-MAIL: Ford Motor Company
Technical Specialist, NVH/CAE Software           FOC I - Suite 451, Cube 152
Development-Solutions, PD Systems, IT        P.O. Box 2053,Dearborn, MI 48121

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