[mdlug-discuss] health care (was: Iraq stuff again)
Brian Riggs
riggs.brian at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 16:01:03 EDT 2007
My apologies. I was not seeing the MDLUG, and mistook it for the WLUG. Too
many lug lists ;-)
On 3/28/07, Ingles, Raymond <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com > wrote:
> > From: mdlug-discuss-bounces at mdlug.org [mailto:
> mdlug-discuss-bounces at mdlug.org]On Behalf Of Brian Riggs
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:37 PM
> > To: A place for members to discuss anything they want, subjects not
> appropriate for any of the other lists.
> > Subject: Re: [mdlug-discuss] health care (was: Iraq stuff again)
> > Why is this on this list? People, please, take it somewhere else.
> Brian, you may want to inspect the mail headers. MDLUG-discuss is the
> mailing
> list that was specifically set up as the place to take off-topic
> discussions
> not related to Linux and/or MDLUG. The list is specifically described as:
> "A place for members to discuss anything they want, subjects not
> appropriate
> for any of the other lists."
> If that stuff doesn't interest you, you can unsubscribe from mdlug-discuss
> and you'll still see all the Linux and MDLUG-related emails.
> Sincerely,
> Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317
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