[mdlug-discuss] health care (was: Iraq stuff again)
amajorov at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 26 19:32:51 EDT 2007
Raymond Ingles wrote:
> On 3/26/07, Wolfger <wolfger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 3/26/07, allen <amajorov at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>> Many's the time I've asked "if socialized medicine is a
>>> disaster everywhere it's been tried why will it work in America?"
>> The answer, of course, is "if it's a disaster everywhere else, then it
>> probably won't work in America". Of course, there's that "if" in the front,
>> which I believe is a false presupposition. If socialized medicine truly is a
>> disaster everywhere it's been tried, then why do so many countries keep it?
> Perhaps they're just a *different* disaster than what we have here:
> http://www.faultline.org/place/toad/archive/003113.html
> http://www.faultline.org/place/toad/archive/003114.html
> http://pandagon.net/2007/03/14/i-thought-donated-meant-free/
Right back atcha:
Notice, I didn't even include any of the coverage of Walter Reed.
>> I think the answer is that it's *not* a disaster everywhere it's been tried.
> Perhaps there are lessons to be extracted from how things are done
> elsewhere that could be applied here, even if the entire system
> wouldn't work?
I'm all ears but I don't think you'll have much luck.
If it's definable as a "commons", which socialized medicine certainly
is, tragedy is merely a matter of time.
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