[mdlug-discuss] [mdlug] Iraq stuff again was:First impressions of Vista
Ingles, Raymond
Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Tue Mar 27 07:37:08 EDT 2007
> From: allen
> Ingles, Raymond wrote:
> > Why write a bunch when I don't seem to get replies to what I write
> > anyway?
> I hear ya. Many's the time I've asked "if socialized medicine is a
> disaster everywhere it's been tried why will it work in America?"
Oddly enough, that actually wasn't what we were talking about. I'd be
happy to start a full discussion on that once we've hashed out the
current topic, but it's a little strange that neither you nor Aaron
have had any reply to this:
Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317
"They say evil happens when good men do nothing. Well, the Democrats prove
it also happens when mediocre people do nothing." - Bill Maher
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