[mdlug-discuss] [mdlug] Iraq stuff again was:First impressions of Vista
amajorov at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 26 14:17:33 EDT 2007
Ingles, Raymond wrote:
> Why write a bunch when I don't seem to get replies to what I write
> anyway?
I hear ya. Many's the time I've asked "if socialized medicine is a
disaster everywhere it's been tried why will it work in America?" If I'm
talking to a self-admitted liberal I often I find I've also been talking
to a psychiatrist since they offer an unsolicited diagnosis in reply.
Generally prefixed with a very unpsychiatric expletive.
Not much of an explanation for a reason to expect a different result in
the U.S. then anywhere else in the world but I've gotten used to it.
Another response leads me to the unexpected conclusion that there are
many more telepathic psychometricians wandering around then you might
expect. About as foul-mouthed as the psychiatrists though.
The last type of response comes from the perceptually-challenged
ethicists. They can spot evil at a thousand yards through a driving
rainstorm but they can't see their own reflection since what they want
to see obscures the view. They share a drearily familiar vocabulary with
the other two.
That's pretty much the way it goes for all the issues.
The war in Iraq, the environment, the use of oil, minimum wage, welfare,
urban sprawl, support for Israel, racial politics, etc.
I've waited so long, and gotten unhelpful replies so often that I've
been forced to look for some other explanation then a difference of
That other explanation has certain requirements. Off limits as an
explanation for the liberal are the charges liberals commonly level at
conservatives: stupidity, insanity, evil. If I reject that description
of myself because of the self-evident falseness of the charges then I
have to set a higher standard of evidence for myself than the people who
apply those qualities to me set for themselves.
How's that?
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