[mdlug-discuss] [mdlug] Iraq stuff again was:First impressions of Vista

Robert Adkins radkins at impelind.com
Thu Mar 15 15:45:20 EDT 2007

allen wrote:
> Bill Maher forming national security policy. Now *that's* funny.
    I really don't think that questioning someone's opinion on a matter, 
such as national security has any relation to what they do or have done 
for a living. This is a nation that has had a "B" movie actor as a 
President after all. I don't see anyone claiming that he was singularly 
unqualified purely because of his past work.

    Besides, if we really want to go there. None of us on this list 
should be talking about this stuff, as none of us are singularly 
qualified to fully grok this stuff. (AFAIK) After all, this mailing list 
is filled with nothing but a bunch of Linux Geeks and Nerds, that hardly 
makes all of us National Security Advisors.

    Which I why I prefer to keep things civil and attack the ideas, 
rather than attack the person remarking those ideas, or do you really 
believe that all of us on this list are more qualified to discuss and 
make National Security decisions than Bill Maher, who's dedicated 
himself for at least the last ten years (that I know of) in studying and 
participating in debate on the topic of politics

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