[mdlug-discuss] [mdlug] Iraq stuff again was:First impressions of Vista
amajorov at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 15 15:24:47 EDT 2007
Ingles, Raymond wrote:
> "Let them win"? I note you didn't actually address a *single* concrete
> point of what I said. How is *any* of that "letting them win"? Seriously,
> let's have some actual discussion instead of bumper sticker slogans.
> I'm the one who's saying that the terrorists are *not* a vital threat.
> In what way do I sound "AFRAID" of them?
What would constitute a "vital" threat as opposed to a real threat?
There's a big hole in the ground in New York City that makes it clear
the threat is real and not inconsequential. Since what the terrorists
did once they'll certainly do again given the opportunity, it would seem
to me that a rational response would be concern - fear if you prefer -
and an equally rational desire to prevent a re-occurrence.
> And my proposal for better, more intelligent security to prevent
> terrorist attacks has *what* to do with that? Can you point out to
> me where I wrote that we should take Europe as a model? Because I
> can't find that anywhere in what I wrote. Come on, help me out here.
You really think that the Bill Maher Secret Security Police is a point
worth discussing? Jesus, "A corps of trained security professionals who
patrol airports...." is a solution? There's enough in the way of braying
about CIA, FBI, HSD Bill of Rights abuses and you - no, sorry, Bill
Maher - propose a whole new crew of policia?
How will they differ from the current batch? Training? Naw, all alphabet
agency folks get heaps of that. Because they're professional? That just
means it's not a hobby, not that they're worth what they're paid.
Then there's that "10,000" figure. Does that number include
administrative and support personnel? If "yes" then how many bodies does
that leave to patrol all those events you mentioned and plenty more that
you didn't. If "no" then your $1 billion figure is out the window.
Not that it was ever a valid number since your "trained security
professionals" probably won't want to take bus to the events they'll be
patrolling. They'll want their own wheels. Will they be buying their own
uniforms, firearms, ancillary equipment, training, out of that
$100,000/year? If "yes" then you're not paying them "a good wage" your
just hiding organizational expenses in the payroll and that $100,000
starts to melt away pretty fast. If "no" then your $1 billion figure is
out the window. Again.
And Bill Maher? When did he go from being a "B" list comedian to
worthwhile policy wonk? On his best day he's not fit to hold Chris
Rock's coat.
Bill Maher forming national security policy. Now *that's* funny.
> Um... no, and I *said* that. I also said there's no chance of that
> happening. You know, that part where I said "Those idiots *can't*
> impose 'worldwide Sharia law'. No way." Oh, wait, you quoted it back
> to me, you must have read it.
Well, let's see. There's the means to which they'll go to impose that
'worldwide Sharia law'.
Considering the means they've put to use so far I'm disinclined to
ignore the effort even if I am convinced that it is, ultimately,
hopeless. I'd like the time between now and when their effort to impose
Shari peters out to be as short a time and as unproductive as possible.
> Now, I have a question for you. How does your presence in Iraq
> do anything to prevent some nutbag here in the U.S. from attacking
> a newspaper columnist who said something some imam didn't like?
> Sincerely,
> Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317
> "Improving our overall fuel efficiency by just 2.7 miles per gallon
> would completely eliminate our need for oil from the Persian Gulf."
> - Bill Maher, "When You Ride Alone You Ride With bin Laden"
See what I mean? What kind of a shmuck does it take to make a statement
like that?
Beyond the practical aspects of that sort of national mpg bump - the car
fleet turns over what? every eight or nine years now? - there's the
sophomoric implication that the income stream derived from the oil will
dry up and all those sheiks and imams will just sit there scratching
their heads wondering what to do next.
You think maybe they'll find other customers for their oil? I think so
and then just exactly how much good has Maher's 2.7 mile per gallon bump
done for us?
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