[mdlug-discuss] [mdlug] Iraq stuff again was:First impressions of Vista
Ingles, Raymond
Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Thu Mar 15 13:55:09 EDT 2007
> From: Aaron Kulkis
> > So what? Those idiots *can't* impose 'worldwide Sharia
> law'. No way.
> > They can't field a competent army:
> But, if we are so AFRAID of the terrorists (and, that is the essence
> of their operaiton. .. to instill terror) as to let them win, then
> they don't need to form an army in the first place.
"Let them win"? I note you didn't actually address a *single* concrete
point of what I said. How is *any* of that "letting them win"? Seriously,
let's have some actual discussion instead of bumper sticker slogans.
I'm the one who's saying that the terrorists are *not* a vital threat.
In what way do I sound "AFRAID" of them?
> Look at Europe....
> they're afraid to even suppress rampant rioting
> (France), assassinations in full daylight in the middle of the street
> (Netherlands) subway bombers (Spain).
And my proposal for better, more intelligent security to prevent
terrorist attacks has *what* to do with that? Can you point out to
me where I wrote that we should take Europe as a model? Because I
can't find that anywhere in what I wrote. Come on, help me out here.
It's really strange having a conversation with you, Aaron. You always
seem to be arguing with someone else, who said things I demonstrably
did not say. Can you for once actually address what *I* wrote, instead
of what you apparently wish, or want to pretend, I wrote?
> Is that REALLY how you want to live?? In the United States????
> Having your life and laws SOLELY determined by a religion, even
> if you don't subscribe to it?
Um... no, and I *said* that. I also said there's no chance of that
happening. You know, that part where I said "Those idiots *can't*
impose 'worldwide Sharia law'. No way." Oh, wait, you quoted it back
to me, you must have read it.
Now, I have a question for you. How does your presence in Iraq
do anything to prevent some nutbag here in the U.S. from attacking
a newspaper columnist who said something some imam didn't like?
Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317
"Improving our overall fuel efficiency by just 2.7 miles per gallon
would completely eliminate our need for oil from the Persian Gulf."
- Bill Maher, "When You Ride Alone You Ride With bin Laden"
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