[mdlug-discuss] [mdlug] Iraq stuff again was:First impressions of Vista

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Thu Mar 15 13:19:27 EDT 2007

Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>> From: Aaron Kulkis
>> Attacks on the streets of Baghdad have fallen off significantly.
>> A lot of them have run to Iran.
>  Casualty counts that I've seen have not dropped off significantly.
> There are reports (e.g. here: http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?pid=173730)
> that insurgents are synchronizing their bombings with American patrols:
>  "When the Americans come through on patrol or -- even worse -- when they
> set up permanent checkpoints (either U.S. or Iraqi-manned), the Mahdis
> have to lie low, since the Americans (or their Iraqi sidekicks) will
> arrest or kill them. The community is then essentially left unprotected
> and open to intruders.
> The Sunni jihadists know this, and they also know that the Americans
> (and their Iraqi sidekicks) have neither the ability nor the inclination
> to spot and interdict suspicious looking outsiders. So they target
> precisely those Shia neighborhoods that the Americans are busy "pacifying."
> Very often, as in the case of the New Baghdad bombing, they time their
> attacks just after the Americans pass through, and before the Mahdis can
> return to the streets."
>  It's not an intended consequence of American patrols, certainly,
> but it's hard to come up with a way to avoid it.
>> In any event, at present the threat to our nation is grave ...
>> A withdrawal that demonstrates a lack of resolve will put truth
>> to bin Laden's claim that all that's needed to defeat us is
>> casualties on TV plus time.
> "One of the real motives for the invasion of Iraq was to give the
> world a demonstration of American power. It's a measure of how
> badly things have gone that now we're told we can't leave because
> that would be a demonstration of American weakness." - Paul Krugman
>>  Everything perceived as defeat, or
>> wavering in the face of aggression, encourages more recruits to
>> some or many of the various radical factions -- both the Sunnis
>> and Shias see the U.S. as the main obstacle to worldwide imposition
>> of Sharia law (and no, it's not only women who suffer under it...)
>  So what? Those idiots *can't* impose 'worldwide Sharia law'. No way.
> They can't field a competent army:

But, if we are so AFRAID of the terrorists (and, that is the essence
of their operaiton. .. to instill terror) as to let them win, then
they don't need to form an army in the first place.

Look at Europe....
  they're afraid to even suppress rampant rioting
(France), assassinations in full daylight in the middle of the street
(Netherlands) subway bombers (Spain).

Look up the words "dhimmitude" and "dhimmi" and that's where Europe
is already -- the allyrabid extremists are already dictating what can
and cannot be said about Islam, under the threat of massively
violent retaliation if one dares to make mention of the fact that
these people are very prone to the very same sorts of violence which
the radicals are simultaneously threatening, and denying that anyone
should be allowed to speak or write about, or to comment on their
horrible treatment of women, lack of observance of basic human
rights, etc.

Is that REALLY how you want to live??  In the United States????
Having your life and laws SOLELY determined by a religion, even
if you don't subscribe to it?

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