Michael Rudas (computer) mpr_linux at ameritech.net
Tue Mar 13 00:12:07 EDT 2007

--- Robert Meier wrote:

> ...I am seeking (dis)recommendations for
> 	repair methods
> 	replacement
> 		brand
> 		model
> 		features

> Symptom:
> DVDs load, spin up (apparently trying a variety
> of speeds), and then report "no disc".

It's looking for (and not finding) the table of
contents (TOC) on the disc.  The problem is almost
certainly a bad laser (the most common failure) or
laser-driver circuitry.

As a former VCR/laserdisc/CD repair tech, my favorite
brand is Lite-ON (Taiwan Liton).  They make their own
DVD mechanisms and use good-quality VCR mechanisms. 
They have a range of models, so I'll leave the
specific-model decision up to you.


-- Mikey

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