[mdlug] Fwd: "TikTok, Boom." Dissonance Event - Watch the film & join the conversation

Carl T. Miller carl at carltm.com
Mon Mar 13 14:25:23 EDT 2023

Just in case you're interested, UofM is hosting a panel
discussion about a movie.  There is a link to see the
movie for free prior to the event.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	"TikTok, Boom." Dissonance Event - Watch the film & join the 
Date: 	Mon, 13 Mar 2023 17:45:27 -0000
From: 	U-M Info Assurance <info-assurance at umich.edu>
Reply-To: 	info-assurance at umich.edu
To: 	carl at carltm.com

Dissonance Event Series
A woman in a black lit room. Text: TIKTOK, BOOM. Watch Now. Join us for 
a panel discussion with filmmaker, Shalini Kantaya on Thursday, March 16 
at 11 a.m. <https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/z85o4n>

You received this message because you have previously registered for 
and/or attended a U-M SUMIT conference or U-M Dissonance event.

  "TikTok, Boom." - Watch the film & join the conversation

Take time to view the film, "TikTok, Boom." 
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/f16o4n> and register 
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/vt7o4n> to join in the 
conversation at 11 a.m., this Thursday, March 16, as the U-M Dissonance 
Event Series welcomes Emmy-nominated director, Shalini Kantayya 
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/bm8o4n>, for a discussion about 
her film with a panel of U-M faculty and students.

*Now through March 15, 2023 — Virtual screening of "TikTok, Boom."*

Join us for a virtual screening of "TikTok, Boom." 
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/re9o4n> This film examines the 
algorithmic, socio-political, economic, and cultural influences and 
impacts of TikTok. Shalini Kantayya, who directs this film, was 
nominated for the Grand Jury prize at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival.

*Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 11 a.m. — Conversation with Director and 
U-M Panel*

Register to attend <https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/769o4n> a 
discussion with the director, Shalini Kantayya 
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/nzap4n>, and a panel of U-M 
faculty and students. Shalini, a TED Fellow 
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/3rbp4n>, a William J. Fulbright 
Scholar, a Concordia Studios Artist Fellow and an Associate of UC 
Berkeley School of Journalism, also directed for National Geographic. 
Add this event to your Google Calendar 

    About Dissonance

The Dissonance Event Series 
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/zcdp4n> explores how 
technology, policy, privacy, security, and law are ever increasingly 
intertwined in all facets of life and society. This series seeks to 
increase universitywide, multidisciplinary discourse, and support 
university initiatives, including those related to data science. In 
addition to hosting events throughout the academic year, Dissonance 
co-sponsors events across campus. Recordings of many past Dissonance 
events are available.

Look for more information, including details on accessing the film and 
zoom conversation details. Refer to Past Dissonance Events 
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/3vydqe/jgxaszc/f5dp4n> to view other events in 
the Dissonance U-M Event Series.


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