[mdlug] unzip file in multiple disk files

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Fri Jul 21 20:31:18 EDT 2023

If the suggestion below doesn't work, then try it with the original file 
names and this command: 7z x disk1.zip


Le 2023-07-21, Monsieur Michael Corral a écrit:
> I believe that p7zip can do that. First rename disk1.zip, disk2.zip, 
> disk3.zip to disk.zip.001, disk.zip.002, disk.zip.003, respectively, then try 
> this in the directory containing those 3 files:
> 7z x disk.zip.001
> If the zip information in the original disk1.zip was correct then the above 
> command should find all the parts of the zip archive and extract from all 3 
> files. I think most distros have p7zip in their repos.
> Michael
> Le 2023-07-21, Monsieur Gib a écrit:
>>  How do I unzip files that are in separate files?
>>  disk1.zip
>>  disk2.zip
>>  disk3.zip
>>  This is some kind ot multiple file disk group.

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