[mdlug] Linux Text Editors -- Try Cooledit

LAP mail1 at lapiet.info
Thu Jan 5 17:53:36 EST 2023

On Wed, 4 Jan 2023 21:03:50 -0500 (EST)
Michael Corral <micorral at comcast.net> wrote:

> it still looks like the same 90s-era fvwm-ish
> application it's always been 

Cooledit is derived from the mcedit internal text
editor of the Midnight Commander file manager+:


If one is ruled by fashion and social facilitation
then I suppose that arguments that adduce such meaningless
jargon like "90s-era" and "retro" will persuade others
of like mind to automatically reject.

But the rational person will take a more objective approach.

> I haven't seen anything Cooledit can do that Emacs can't, 
> and there's plenty that Emacs can do that Cooledit can't.

Except provide a GUI that frees the user from having to be
enslaved by keyboard strokes.

But isn't Emacs the ultimate example of a throwback to a
bygone era?

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