[mdlug] $80 Laptop

Robert James Fulner fulner at alumni.nmu.edu
Sat Dec 30 19:49:11 EST 2023



>(I'm not sure why it has a really

>long URL):
> Gib,
>(I'm not sure why it has a really
>long URL):


It's because the URL you shared includes a bunch of tracking
information. This is the most common reason you see long Urls these

A shorter link like


would also get the same webpage.

The URL you shared


Includes information that let's Amazon know, among other things, that your
search Sting included "MicroSD card", you limited your search using the
ELECTRONICS drop down menu, and you clicked on a SPONSORED link from the
search results there of .  I think some of that may even include a search
ID so Amazon can identify the particular search that is referenced again,
but whether by you accessing a book mark, or us accessing the link in the

If you had shared the same link via a surveillance capitalist social media
platform, like Facebook or Twitter, they would add their own social
tracking on top of that to help them track what links to outside their
platform are being accessed and, at least in theory, use such data to
negotiate contracts for compensation between at form and retailer.

If you want to share without the tracking info, usually it's just removing
the text after the ? but in this case it's after the Steing "ref". If you
do I recommend ensuring you try the link directly before you do. There are
also URL Cleaners, such as add-ons for your web browser or apps for your
smartphone, and I've heard some platforms like GNU Social, or browsers like
DDG, automatically strip such data before passing it to the next server,
but I have never looked into that.

Like many such things online there's debate whether we should limit it to
ensure users' privacy or encourage it to give data to developers to be able
to continue to improve functionality and provide additional funding
mechanism so capitalists can continue to provide gratis services or keep
low retail prices.


Sent from my Smartphone please dismiss no-so-smart-typos

Sent from my SmartPhone please dismiss not-so-smart typos

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