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Robert James Fulner fulner at alumni.nmu.edu
Fri Dec 2 23:40:14 EST 2022

Good evening LAP,

Nice to meet another freedom fighter.

One interesting thing about your message is it seemed to have exposed
some kind of bug in kill-the-newsletter. Most email lists I subuscribe
to with my primary email address with no delivery (so that I can
post/reply to messages on the list) & via kill-the-newsletter, a Free
Software project that will automatically set up an service to take
incoming mail to a particulary address and publish it to a particular
RSS Feed (so that conversations don't fill up my email inbox, and I'm
more likely to read them via RSS, particularly since I switched to
using Friendica as my RSS reader.

On Friendica I saw the link to your website in the body of your
message as http://lapiet.info/feeds/m42cooueu4hxicb7.xml with gave me
a 404 error, but I saw that in the MDLUG archieve it showed as
http://lapiet.info/ which of course worked. I've used
kill-the-newsletter for nearly a year now for a half-dozen mail lists,
and dozens of email newsletters and this is the first time I've seen
such a failure. CONGRATS!
Yours in liberation,
Jim Fulner

Promoting Freed Minds, Freed Markets and Free Software
and whenever possible Free Beer
"For as long as one of your brothers is not free, none of you are free"

Follow me @fu at libranet.de on #Friendica the world's best poly-centric
social media platform, or from anywhere else on the #Fediverse. Aren't
you tired of big government backed corporations managing your social

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