[mdlug] FWIW: Video: How to use Zoom like a pro / How to set up a webcam and microphone

email5000 at usa.com email5000 at usa.com
Sun Oct 4 18:27:42 EDT 2020

I was looking for ways to improve my setup for a forthcoming Zoom
meeting (specifically blurring background), and by serendipity found a
video on a CNET page. A separate link was given for that video on
youtube.  I found this quite helpful, and the guy presenting the steps
has a light and rather dry sense of humor.

At the last meeting, Carl touched on some (at least one) of these steps
with his new 'green-screen', to hide what may be going on behind the
person in the meeting. This guy touched on quite a few things, including

The link to Youtube is:

And for your edification, the link to the CNET page is:

Hope you find this helpful.


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