[mdlug] Cheap laptop, almost

Rick Hall email5000 at usa.com
Sun Nov 8 11:29:18 EST 2020

Thanks for the heads-up, Carl.

On a related note:
I'm in initial stages of finding a regular laptop - probably used - but
on the order of an i5 (+/-) or equivalent (AMD) processor, at least 2
USB, wi-fi, + the other usual stuff, for a good price. If no HDD (that's
OK), I'd probably put a SSD in it, including my own OS.

If anyone knows of a used laptop as such, let me know.

Thanks, All,

On 11/8/2020 10:07, Carl T. Miller wrote:
> Hey All,
> I see that Lowes has a small tablet that would be
> great as a spare or something to share.  It has
> android and would be perfect for simply browsing
> the web or checking email.  For $80 it's something
> convenient for conferences and/or day trips.  Oh,
> this deal is for today only, and it's only online.
> <https://www.lowes.com/pd/LINSAY-10-1-in-Wi-Fi-Only-Android-9-Pie-Tablet-with-Accessories-and-Case-Included/1001299870>
> c
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