[mdlug] Meeting Today: New Toys

Raymond Ingles sorceror171 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 11 09:08:05 EST 2020

I wish I could come, but my Saturdays are occupied with family stuff.
However, I did get a new toy - a Radex One Geiger counter.

It has a USB interface, but only Windows drivers. I emailed the company and
offered to write a Linux driver, but got no response. I don't think it'd be
*that* hard to reverse-engineer, but I haven't had to snoop and decode USB
traffic before.

Anyone know some good resources for that?

On Sat, Jan 11, 2020, 7:22 AM Carl T. Miller <carl at carltm.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We're meeting today at noon.  Please join us if you can.
> Perhaps you received a gift recently, found something
> nice on sale, or heard about something new.  Let's
> talk about new toys.
> c
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