[mdlug] Static IP behind NAT with Xfinity

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Wed Aug 5 09:12:51 EDT 2020


On Wed, 5 Aug 2020, R KANNAN wrote:

> Thanks. I did follow the instructions but as I said in my previous email, I
> do not see static IP being set in the */etc/network/interfaces *file. There
> is no reference to eth0 at all in the file.  Only the loop back.

    /etc/network/interfaces has been depricated and no longer used.  Leave 
it to the snot-nosed pimply-faced kids to mess up a good thing and make 
changes that are unneccesary :(

    Newer distros are now favoring /etc/dhcpcd.conf as the place to edit 
static addresses.  Also now some ding-dong decided that ETH0 was not a 
"predictable" interface name and think that "enxb827ebe0583e" is *more* 
predictable because it contains the MAC address of the interface.  DUH!

    On Rasperian that is easily changed back to ETH0 using the raspi-config 
tool (from the command line, NOT the GUI).  How you do it in other 
distros, I'm not sure...

    Here is my snippet of code in /etc/dhcpcd.conf where I set a statis IP 
on my ethernet interface:

# sudo raspi-config
#  N2 Network
#     "Predictable Interface Names" should be set to NO
# Static IP configuration:
#  Modified JJN 20200712
interface eth0
###interface enxb827ebe0583e
static ip_address=
###static ip6_address=fd51:42f8:caae:d92e::ff/64  <--- static IPv6
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
### .... fd51:42f8:caae:d92e::1  <--- IPv6 DNS server

    Hope this helps!

       --- Jay Nugent  WB8TKL

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