[mdlug] January meeting

Carl T. Miller carl at carltm.com
Thu Jan 10 07:08:33 EST 2019

Hi Pat,

I can't guarantee the weather, but it would be great if you
would give the presentation.  We do meet at Westland, and
it is a good place with helpful staff and free parking.

Can you send me a two line description so I can update
the website?



On 1/8/19 4:47 PM, Gmail-otakurider wrote:
> Depending on the weather, and if you have no presentation for the
> January meeting, I could do one on my usage of Qubes OS.  I have been
> using the 4.0 version for most all my testing lately. If anyone would be
> interested that is.
> So your at Westland Public Library Now?
> Pat
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