[mdlug] Does anyone know how to debug ffmpeg screen (and audio) capture?

Dr. Robert Meier list1c30fe42 at bellsouth.net
Tue May 2 19:14:19 EDT 2017

online tutors,

Has anyone captured dynamic sound and x11 display using ffmpeg?

Can anyone help me debug dynamic sound and x11 display capture?

My basic command is

ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le
        -f x11grab -vcodec libx264 -r 24 -s 1440x900
        -i :0.0 -threads 0 ~/Class_20170411.avi

My symptoms are
   absence of sound and poor video color depth

I suspect that my configuration choices are incorrect
	alsa - how do I determine if I have alsa,
                or determine what audio system I have
	-ac 2 - how do I determine the correct channel
		or determine what channels are available
	x11grab - how do I determine if I can record direct
		  or determine what direct system I have
	libx264 - how do I determine what codecs are compatible

Any help would be appreciated.


Dr. Robert Meier
mailto:president at mdlug.org

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