[mdlug] Fw: Re: Computer lounge computers and layout - laptop load

gib at juno.com gib at juno.com
Fri Apr 21 17:28:43 EDT 2017

I plan to be at Penguicon around 5PM Friday to setup the computer lab.  If anyone wants to  help that would be great.  I'd even be willing to buy a few pizzas.

Please note: forwarded message attached

From: "gib at juno.com" <gib at juno.com>
To: events at penguicon.org
Cc: logistics at penguicon.org,  asstchair at penguicon.org
Subject: Re: Computer lounge computers and layout - laptop load
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 21:26:39 GMT

Okay, I will update the spreadsheet and send it to logistics.

I'll plan to come in Friday around 4:30PM to assume we set things up.

asstchair, we can use another set of hands for moving things, say, around 5PM Friday.

Please note: message attached

From: "Daniel R. Dugan ; Penguicon Events" <events at penguicon.org>
To: "gib at juno.com" <gib at juno.com>
Cc: "Logistics, Penguicon" <logistics at penguicon.org>
Subject: Re: Computer lounge computers and layout - laptop load
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 02:08:33 -0400
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Subject: Re: Computer lounge computers and layout - laptop load
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