[mdlug] Amazon Crucial drive and memory deal of the day!

Kirk A Ellis, ThatCyberSecurityGuy kirk at thatcybersecurityguy.com
Mon Apr 11 13:36:46 EDT 2016

A while back someone was looking for a deal on a new hard drive.  I told 
them to watch the Amazon daily deals.  While I don't see a SSD there are 
some SATA drives and memory on sale today.  RAM is also on sale dirt 
cheap also.

Crucial BX200 480GB SATA 2.5 Inch Internal Solid State Drive - 
CT480BX200SSD1  --  $100
Crucial BX200 960GB SATA 2.5 Inch Internal Solid State Drive - 
CT960BX200SSD1  --  $200

Sale ends in 13 hours.

*Kirk Ellis, President and CEO | ThatCyberSecurityGuy LLC*

*kirk at thatcybersecurityguy.com*

*Home/Work/Text/Cell: 734-239-2259*

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Please view my theme David Bowie -- Cat People (Putting Out Fire) Music 
Video as it has been so long at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpdHMaccjw4.

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