[mdlug] Systemd Should Be A Fork -- Why Is It Not?

A. Zimmer andrew.zimmer at comcast.net
Tue Sep 1 10:28:29 EDT 2015

On Tue, 01 Sep 2015 09:57:08 -0400
Garry Stahl <tesral at wowway.com> wrote:

> I have no issue with systemD.  My computer works.

Would you care to tell us HOW it works.  If you were to discover
the truth, then maybe you'd shriek.

Such blatant apathy is the root of the problem.  Many things
will work or at least give the appearance of working.  American
democracy works, so why care?  Microsoft Windows 10 works, so
why give a sh!t?

But the issue is not whether or not systemd actually works; it is
whether or not systemd should unilaterally be imposed as the new
norm on the entire Linux community.

I claim that it should be a fork.  We should have TWO Linux environments,
one with systemd and one without.

RedHat and Freedesktop.org are slowly assuming total control of Linux
developmental decisions.  They are crass, tinpot, dictatorial organizations
that should be eliminated.

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