[mdlug] Linux Admin role (w/ my current employeer)

cass inator cassinator09 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 14:06:02 EDT 2015

Zornhaw at yahoo.com

The company I currently work for (in Troy) is looking to fill a Linux
Admin role. The role is back fill for someone who just left, his wife
got a fantastic job offer out of state. The summary of the role are
pasted below as well as the link to the full description and how to apply.

Please note that I am not the hiring manager nor did I write the
summary pasted below.

(My posting this here does not constitute an endorsement for anyone on
this list who applies, so please don't use me as a reference.)

Link to full job description and apply link:

Role Summary:

The Linux Administrator is responsible for the documentation,
optimization, and ongoing maintenance of the Linux servers and
systems, and includes configuration of file systems, log
files,processes, software, administration tools, utilities, and
security.  This is the ideal role for an experienced Linux
Administrator with a proven track record of working with Ubuntu, Red
Hat and CentOS platforms.


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from
within what you are trying to defend from without." -- President
Dwight Eisenhower

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's
character, give him power."
-- President Abraham Lincoln
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