[mdlug] Bringing up Linux with Suckless Init plus daemontools-encore

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Sat Jul 4 20:05:58 EDT 2015

On Fri, 3 Jul 2015 23:30:59 -0400
JeremyBekka C <jrchristophel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> Thanks for taking the time to write this turorial (and also the one
> regarding your Manjaro experiment). I have been wanting to do both of
> these but have not had the time. I started working through the Plop
> Linux install today but I am getting stuck. I am wondering if you
> could help me figure out what is wrong.

Of course!

> The first problem I encountered is moving the Plop filesto
> the /tmp/xfer directory that I created. When I use the "cp" command
> in bash it starts to copy it in the directory but then errors because
> it ran our of space. I don't understand the problem because I have
> plenty of space on my hard drive.

Hi Jeremy,

Just so we're all on the same page, did it run out of hard drive space
when you copied the Plop ISO to /tmp/xfer *on the host*, or when you
later do:

cd /mnt/rute
tar xzvf /mnt/xfer/ploplinux-desktop-4.3.0-x86_64.tar.gz

*on the guest*?

If the former, use df -h /tmp to see if you're short on /tmp space.

If the latter, make sure you really gave the VM 8GB of hard disk space.
And by the way, I just found out the hard way today, *always* allocate
the full disk space, never let it slowly expand: The latter caused my
VM to simply abort with no messages.

> My solution to this was to simply create a directory on my desktop
> where I kept the .iso file and the Plop desktop .tar file. So, when
> you said to do run the command "sshfs
> your_id at /mnt/xfer" I changed it to the following:
> "sshfs
> jeremy at /mnt/xfer".

Yes, in my opinion the preceding should work.

> When I do this I get the following message "read: Connection reset by
> peer".

I suspect there's something odd with your host's SSH setup. For one
thing, your host might reject root connections, which of course means
it's more secure, so you might need to connect as jeremybekka or
whatever. Maybe there's a permission problem. Try sshfs mounting a
different directory, and see if that works.

All of these sound like pretty solvable problems, and I predict you'll
have a full blown Plop VM installation shortly.


Steve Litt 
July 2015 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

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