[mdlug] Next MDLUG meeting is August 8th Noon at the Penera Bread in Allen Par k.

gib at juno.com gib at juno.com
Sun Aug 2 18:32:59 EDT 2015

Next MDLUG meeting is August 8th Noon at the Penera Bread in Allen Park. I tried to get space at Wayne State, University of Michigan - Dearborn and TechShop.  No positive commitments made. Topic: where can we meet for future meetings?September meeting we may be able to get a meeting place in a Detroit library.  I'm working on that.  September I'm working with ConClave on letting us get space during their event.The ConClave event is in Dearborn in October:  ConClave 39 will be October 9-11, 2015 in Dearborn, MI http://conclavesf.net/home.html Meeting Place for MDLUG.org August 8th 2015: Allen Park Panera on top of the hill in the shopping area off of Oakwood Blvd between I-94 and Southfield Freeway: Fairlane Green
3112 Fairlane Dr 
Allen Park, MI 48101 
Map Here: https://goo.gl/VHs9X6 

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