[mdlug] Semi-OT: Serial modem behavior

Scott Webster Wood treii28 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 29 11:08:16 EDT 2014

If you regularly work with serial devices, one of those in-line monitors 
is very helpful for chasing down problems. Some devices swap the t/r for 
some stupid reason for example.


On 07/28/2014 10:56 AM, Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>> From: Adam Tauno Williams
>> On Thu, 2014-07-24 at 17:11 -0400, Brian Brodsky wrote:
>>> You could try ate1 and hit enter (maybe echo is off). You could also
>>> try at&f and hit enter to try to set modem back to factory setting and
>>> maybe ate1 and hit enter after that.
>> +1  I was just about to write this message.  When pulling old modems out
>> of a pile at&f has put things to working on numerous occasions; as who knows what bizarre config last got saved in whatever app they were serving.
> Sadly, none of the above worked. Not AT&F, not ATE1, not ATQ0, not AT&FE1Q0. Interestingly, on one of the modems, if I send an ATDT command, I actually see the OH light (Off Hook) turn on for a little while. But I can't get any response codes from the darn things.
> I suppose it's possible that they've just plain failed... but it's still weird that two different models failed in pretty much the same way.
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