[mdlug] Completely replacing Windows XP Pro with Linux!

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 23:06:37 EDT 2014

Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-07-21 at 08:09 -0400, Jonathan Billings wrote:
>> On Jul 21, 2014, at 6:36 AM, Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam at whitemice.org> wrote:
>>> If you use LVM, and make your physical disks physical volumes, you can
>>> just add them to a volume group and forget about locality altogether.
>>> No more fussing with partitions;  a world without partitions is a
>>> beautiful place.
>> I use LVM, and recently upgraded disks.  It was very nice to be able
>> to just add the new disk to the volume group, pvmove everything on to
>> the new disk, remove the old disk, and be done.  As far as my
>> logged-in session could tell, nothing had happened, /home looked just
>> the same and I was browsing the web the whole time.
> Indeed,  I've done the same thing many times myself.  Using virtual
> machines whose images are on logical volume while the logical volume is
> migrating to the new/bigger SSD... beautiful.  No interruption to the
> workflow
>> In fact, the only place I got caught up was that I had to create a
>> new /boot on the new disk and the uuid was hard-coded in the GRUB2
>> config (I had remembered to change the UUID in the fstab but not
>> regenerate the bootloader).

This is why you boot and mount by VOLUME label.
> Yea, booting on Intel hardware is a snotty process no matter how you
> slice it.  But once you make a checklist - and remember to use that
> checklist - meh, there are worse things.

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