[mdlug] The joys of site proprietorship - Update

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Tue Feb 18 13:30:09 EST 2014

> From: Ingles, Raymond

In the hopes that it might help save someone some time...

> Running the site for the Android app I wrote, it's been going fine for a few months.
> Now some stupid bot in Russia found it. It's not hacking anything, it's just hitting my site with fake "referer" tags, lots
> of different ones but 90% from the '.ru' domain.

Blocking based purely on the content of the "HTTP-REFERER" tag has helped a lot, but still a little more is getting through. So I've checked the logs and identified addresses that the spam is coming from. Then I added a section to my .htaccess file to block those IPs. That way even if they try to use a site name that my config doesn't block, they'll be caught anyway. For now, it looks like:

<Files *>
order deny,allow

# Russian/Ukrainian referer spam bots
deny from

We'll see how effective this is, but I expect it to reduce the spam to a trickle. The odds of me blocking a legitimate customer from the Ukraine are pretty slim, but if I started getting hits from larger ISPs this approach might not work.

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