[mdlug] September 2014 MDLUG Meeting

Tony Bemus tony at bemushosting.com
Tue Aug 26 08:07:07 EDT 2014

Hello everyone!  
    With the summer winding down we will be returning to our normal 
schedule for the fall. The next meeting will be Saturday September 
13th 2014 at 11:30am at the Dearborn Libary.  ** Please note the 
earlier time!

For the September meeting we will have David Wood of Red Hat to talk 
about system tunning.  The talk will be about how to tune a system for 
different workloads such as a VM or database server.  It will go into 
the basics of CPU scheduler, disk elevator and other disk related 
options, network tuning, and memory adjustments such as swappiness and 
shared memory.  There will also be data from real servers where tuning 
was used to help diagnose an issue.

Tony Bemus
MDLUG Treasurer and Webmaster
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