[mdlug] [Discuss] Old Win 98se PC revelations I.

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 02:00:27 EDT 2014

Richard Staff wrote:
> It's me again.
> The only Linux kernels that will boot correctly into my old Win 98se
> PC are those that fall below version 3.0.
> Damn Small Linux uses Linux kernel 2.4 and does boot into a useable desktop.
> SliTaz GNU/Linux uses Linux kernel 2.6.37 and boots into a useable desktop.
> DSL's desktop has a primitive, blocky look to it.
> SliTaz's desktop has a sleek, modern look to it.
> By the way, the SliTaz Live CD provides the Midori Web Browser, which
> does a terrible job of rendering web pages.  It is very, very slow.
> Found the QtWeb Browser, put it on a USB stick, and now using it from
> SliTaz Live CD.
> QtWeb does a much, much better job of rendering web pages.
> Another pig headed Linux user,
> Rick Staff
> P.S. Still testing/using wifi with SliTaz Live CD.  Will try a USB to
> Ethernet converter, as soon as Amazon delivers it, for my next
> experiment.

Have you tried gentoo?  Since Gentoo distribuetes everything as source, and then custome-compiles
for the actual hardware capabilities of the machine (use only and all of the post-386 instructions
avialable on the precise CPU in the machine), you MIGHT be able to get a 3.x kernel to run on it.

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