[mdlug] Finally finished upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10

Brian Brodsky brianbrodsky at ameritech.net
Mon Oct 28 13:22:17 EDT 2013


Have you looked at bombono?


On 10/28/2013 12:55 PM, Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>> From: Garry Stahl
>> On 10/28/2013 08:54 AM, Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>>> I just stick with Xubuntu lately. Doesn't get in my way and has been stable so far...
>> All I have every asked of an OS
> I have found a few *apps* that have let me down, though. Tried to use Pitivi this weekend to cut together a video and ran into problems. Tried to upgrade to the latest version from a ppa but that ppa didn't actually include Pitivi, just updated gstreamer stuff. Tried to *compile* Pitivi, and it was missing a library.
> At that point, even though it meant starting over, and learning a new interface, I switched to OpenShot. It had a bug in the animated title generation (no alpha channel) but I was able to put something together using it, at least.
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