[mdlug] What should we call the windows key on the keyboard?

Garry Stahl tesral at wowway.com
Sat Jul 20 18:36:00 EDT 2013

On 07/20/2013 06:19 PM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-07-19 at 19:39 -0400, Michael ORourke wrote:
>> I've known it as the "super" key.  But to me, that just seems wrong.  ;-)
> I've seen that label too.  Either "Windows" or "Super" seems correct
> based on common-practice.
> Now those 3d printer guys need to allow be to make a keyboard with
> "Ultimate", "Awesome", and "Wowzah!" keys.  And maybe a "Friends" key,
> then I can use the "Super" key in combination to have a Super+Friends
> shortcut.

My Amiga 1200 keyboard has two blank keys.  They are used in the German 
version.  I labeled them "Any" and :"Other"

Personally I always wanted a "Smite" key.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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