[mdlug] mdlug Digest, Vol 88, Issue 6

Carl T. Miller carl at carltm.com
Sun Dec 29 07:31:57 EST 2013

John Wiersba wrote:
> I'm not sure I see the advantage of rsync vs. just plain old cp -a SOURCE
> TARGET for this particular use case.

I can think of two advantages.  First, if the process is
interrupted at any time, you can just restart it and it
will pick up where it left off.  Using cp or tar will
require it to start from the beginning.  Second is that
it will preserve hard links, perhaps saving a lot of
disk space.


>> Message: 5
>>Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 12:01:45 -0500
>>From: "Carl T. Miller" <carl at carltm.com>
>>To: bob at starlinephoto.com, "MDLUG's Main discussion list"
>>    <mdlug at mdlug.org>
>>Subject: Re: [mdlug] file copy
>>    <01da5ca0a4ced7ed104329f94b77622d.squirrel at mail.carltm.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
>>Bob wrote:
>>> I need to copy the contents of a hard drive to another, larger, hard
>>> drive.
>>> What are my options for most efficient/reliable methods?
>>Since you don't give a lot of details, I'm going to assume
>>1) that you're using Linux, 2) that you can connect to both
>>hard drives at the same time, and 3) that you just need to
>>copy the files.
>>I would recommend using rsync.  If needed, partition and
>>format the larger drive.  Run "mount" to verify that the
>>partitions are mounted and that you have the correct paths.
>>Then use "rsync -aHvx /old /new" for each of the old partitions.
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