[mdlug] Linksys / TomatoUSB problem

David Lee Lambert davidl at lmert.com
Thu Apr 11 19:20:48 EDT 2013

Just this week I picked up a Linksys WRT54GL.  However,  I'm worried I may
have bricked it already,  trying to put beta TomatoUSB on it.

Stock Linksys firmware looked all right,  Tomato looked better but was
still kernel 2.4 hence didn't seem to have IPv6 support (but maybe there's
a way to build my own image and compile that in?).  I tried a TomatoUSB
beta image, and it seems to have gone zombie on me.  More details at
http://tomatousb.org/forum/t-643392/wrt54gl-recover-from-failed-flash .

Any hints?

David L. Lambert (also  davidleelambert at yahoo.com)
Member IEEE, ACM (david.lee.lambert at acm.org)
Ph# (616)676-7375
IM: davidleelambert (Yahoo!,Skype)

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