[mdlug] Penguicon

Jonathan Billings billings at negate.org
Mon Mar 26 10:12:59 EDT 2012

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 06:31:38PM -0400, Mark Thuemmel wrote:
> I'd go especially if it was like Ohio or Indiana Linuxfest.
> The Penguicon people don't seem to push the local LUGS anymore, but I 
> attend every year and love it.

One of the notable differences is that Penguicon is $40 for an adult,
while the Ohio Linux Fest is free (although the drive to Columbus can
be expensive).  I'll admit, I've taught classes at OLFU so I might be
a bit biased.

I can't really justify $40 for a conference that isn't really even
that focused on tech.  Last time I went, all of the tech stuff was
poorly managed and seemed more like an afterthought, and the people
running the con seemed to not even care about the tech stuff.   I know
someone who tried to run a session who ended up showing up, paying for
attendance, only to find out her class had be canceled when other
people started showing up in the space for a different topic.

I'd actually be pretty happy if there was the equivalent of OLF here
in southeast Michigan, but sadly, Penguicon is not that kind of
conference. (Although, I'll admit that the "Michigan Linux Fest" and
"South East Michigan Linux Fest" would probably be shortened to MILF
and SEMILF and that is way too NSFW to work.) 

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

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