[mdlug] Password of DEATH

Garry Stahl tesral at wowway.com
Sat Jun 9 14:13:48 EDT 2012

The general gist I'm getting is if you travel keep all data in the cloud 
(Yes I know what the cloud is)  and nothing but publically avaialable 
software on a cheap netbook.for travel.  If officially stolen it's a bog 
stadnard netbook with nothing of interest.

If it is away from you for any length of time dump the hard drive and 
start over from a clean install.  Said clean install can be carred with 
you as a DVD and external drive to install it.  A DVD becasue they 
cannot be altered one fixed.   Flash drives can have stuff added.

I wouild still use the idea of a bluetooth deadman and be very up front 
about it.  For anti theft reasons this netbook will self destruct 
without certain security measures present.  Thee is no data on the device.

Even if they steal it from you, you walk into any electronics stone, get 
another on your corporate card and conduct your business.

And yes, it is theft even if they have a badge and uniforms.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

Politically I have given up on being an anything-arian. I am for accountability and nothing else. Hold the government, in specific the office holders, elected or appointed, accountable for all actions taken in office. Authority must be granted grudgingly and reluctantly. When it is abused it must be snatched away at once. Be it a minimum wage screener at the TSA or the President of the United States.
Star Trek mort. Viva la Star Trek admiraetur
The Olde Phoenix Inn http://phoenixinn.iwarp.com
Metro Detroit Linux Users Group http://www.mdlug.org

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