[mdlug] Netbooks

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Tue Jun 5 16:04:16 EDT 2012

> From: Drew
> I'm looking for a 10 inch netbook that's fast enough to play videos
> without any problems. I intend to put at least one Linux distro on it.
> Who around here has them cheapest?

My wife got my a TF201, an Android-based "Transformer Prime" tablet, for
our anniversary. With the keyboard dock, it's basically a netbook with a
touchscreen, where you can yank the screen off and use it as a tablet.
You can even run native (ARM-based) Ubuntu on it (though I haven't). The
battery life is *much* better than anything x86 - it really will run all
day long. They claim 18 hours, and what I've seen is within that
ballpark. Certainly 10 to 12, unless you're running a graphically
demanding game.

However... it's not cheap.


 Ray Ingles                                                 (313)

 "'Depriving us of Trial by Jury' was actually considered sufficient
  to start a War of Independence, based on the then-fashionable idea
                     'liberty' was an unalienable right."
             - Keith Olbermann on suspension of Habeas Corpus

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